Luke: is busy with school as usual. He is in charge of taking and picking up the kids when I am at work..he is having to deal with my dumb jeep that keeps breaking down, he is building me a table for my back deck, he is cutting a sound board for a project I hope to have done soon and he is Finley's best friend...Finley is constantly at his side trying to do whatever daddy is doing.
Finley: He is the busiest out of all of us. He is good and entertaining himself and all around him. He is into angry birds right now and super heroes. He is turning 3 next month! He smothers his sister. He sings while doing anything and everything (including while on the toilet).

Vera: is growing to fast! She is so so happy all the time (except from like 4-5 is her cranky hour)...she loves playing with her toys, eating her fist and playing in her jumperoo...although her feet dont reach the floor yet. She coos all day long and has the cutest giggle and has her dad and I wrapped around her finger!