This little cutie is 6 months old today!! I cannot believe how time flies! She has been such a joy to have in our home. Finley loves her to pieces. I always hear him saying "Hi sugar-sugar. I love you, sugar-sugar." He's always wanting to take care of her and hold her. And Vera loves him back. She always gets so excited watching him run and make noises. She thinks he is the funniest thing she has ever seen ha. Vera also loves her daddy so much. She is always looking around for him and tries to talk to him and gives the biggest grins to him. She is just such a happy baby. I stopped breast feeding this week, which is always a love/hate situations. However, I think that is what helped teach her to sleep through the night! The last 2 nights she has slept 9-10 hours and I have loved every minute of it! She has also started eating baby food a few weeks ago. Green beans was her first taste of food and she wasn't too thrilled. She has also had carrots, squash, spinach, pears and peas. She is still learning how to eat from a spoon and likes to make mess. She still isn't a huge fan of bath time but she is getting better. My favorite thing she does lately is make a little squishy face. It's the cutest and I haven't caught it on camera yet but she opens her lips to where you can only see her gums and closes hers tightly and squishes her nose haha that's the best description I can give, but she does it when she thinks something is funny or when she throws a tantrum. She throws some good tantrums too. She arches her back like crazy! Vera is also a very mobile little girl. She has learned to get to anything she wants by rolling and scooting and reaching. And she sits by herself! (as you can see!) I just can't believe how much she does already...shes grown so much! Her check up is next week so we will see how she really has grown! Happy 1/2 Birthday Vera!
***side note*** Finley Says**
Finley has learned to spell his name and he is so proud of himself. He loves to tell people his name and often throws in an extra "e". F-i-n-e-l-e-y that's my name!
He also asked how to spell Vera's name and I told him, and his response- "B-e-r-a, that spells Bera!" Well, yes Finley it does...but her name is Vera...with a V. Someday he will hear the difference- hopefully!
In our little bath routine Fin likes to be picked up in his towel and shown to me (or Luke, depending on who got him out of the bath) and we always say "wow, look at this boy! He is so big" Anyways, tonight I got him out and he said "take me to dad so he can see this boy!" I did, but Luke started talking about something and Finley yelled "Look at this boy! Look how big he is!"
He really is growing and learning and has never ending questions...he asks "why?" about a billion times a day. Be prepared.