Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Meet Our Baby Kade! (long post)

 The Birth Story (for me really..but if you are just dying to know..go ahead and read :)
1AM: Water Breaks
1:30A:  Cleaned & Did Dishes (couldn't leave the house a mess for the couple that would take care of Finley and Vera)
2:45A:  Went back to bed and Contractions started...but they weren't very strong
6:30A:  Decided to head to the hospital since it's a 20 min drive with out traffic and starting at 7 traffic would hit and it's HORRIBLE...and since I didn't know what to expect because my water has never broken on it's own...I just didn't want to have the baby on the interstate.
7:30A:  Admitted with contractions every 5 minutes (still not very strong) 2cm 60% effaced

The staff was SO kind and helpful.  I was able to use a birthing ball and get up and walk around the bed to help progression...

12P  3cm  90% effaced and decided to rest back in bed...my feet were KILLING me from all the walking/squatting the last 4 hours
3P  4cm
5P  5cm & Contractions hard and about every 2-3minutes
5:30P 7cm and asked for epidural
6P got an epidural that did NOT work.  The contractions were SO PAINFUL and every 2 minutes.  They kept switching me from side to side to try to see if the epidural would start working, but still no relief.
630P they removed the epidural and started setting up for a 2nd one
645P the epidural was inserted too far and I got a spinal block...I couldn't feel anything from the chest down and I FREAKED out...I thought for sure they parallized me and I started crying...they quickly pulled it out. The nurse decided to check me and I was complete and babies head was right there!  I was so mad I even got the epidural since I felt all the pain anyways! I wish they would have checked me before the 2nd epidural, because I am sure his head was already there!  Would have saved me from the Spinal block and the headaches and ear ringing that followed!
7:00P Dr Mackey arrives
7:04P  After 3 pushes (and no episiotomy or tearing!!) Baby Kade Calkins Wright was born!! He was so quite...just little whimpers..he didn't scream until they gave him his Vit K shot.

Kade is such a sweet little baby.  He did have a Billi level of 8.5 and had to have UV therapy for 1 day.  The kids love him! Finley was SO excited and Vera claimed him as her own baby.  She is constantly asking to hold him and gets so mad when I take him away.  He was my best delivery even with the epidural mistake...

Grandma & Grandpa Wright came for 5 days when Kade was a week old!  We absolutely LOVED having them and were so very sad to say goodbye.

As of today he sleeps all day...eats about every 3 hours.  At night he does a 4 hour stretch and 2-3 hour stretch after that.  He is very gassy and most cranky at about 9pm.