Thursday, October 22, 2015

Finley is F I V E

STATS @ 5:  38.7 lbs  3'6"  shoe size: 10
What do you and mommy do together: We go places like the zoo, get hair cuts and cook dinner.

What do you and daddy do together:  We wrestle, work on the car, play video games, work on the yard

What makes you happy:  going on roller coasters even though they are a little bit scary, and getting candy and cake.

What is something scary:  real spiders, very loud toilets that flush by themselves

what are you really good at:  climbing trees, doing t-ball, minecraft, and a shooting transformer game

who is your best friend:  Dahlia, Coy and Maci in TN.  Jakey, Maggie, Carter and Lyla in AZ.

What do you want to be when you grow up:  A police officer

What is something new you'd like to try:  a real lollipop....the are the flat circle kind that look like rainbow circles

What do you think about before you fall asleep:  just weird stuff like buying a house that's like a farm and singing songs there with dad.  

Who is someone famous you'd like to meet?  The wrestling people on TV

Color- Red because it's fire
Book- 5 little Monkeys jumping on the bed 
Movie- Hotel Transylvania 2
Food- orange tacos, top ramen, bbq sandwich, grapes, corn on the cob and watermelon
Treat- Kit Kat
TV show- Popular Mechanics
Toy- my binochulars, sword and light saber
Animal- cheetahs
song- any rocket song
sport- basketball and soccer, maybe even Football
holiday- Halloween
number- 100
cereal- Cocoa Puffs
store- Target because you can eat there, Bass Pro Shop because you can shoot there and Costco
game- Minecraft, Freeze Tag

Finley is such a good brother.  Vera would be lost with out him.  She wants to do anything and everything that he does.  He takes good care of her and Kade.  He talks  in his sweetest voice to Kade all the time and to Vera sometimes* :)  He is pretty independent....bathes himself, brushes his teeth, dresses, makes his own lunch and pours his own cereal and drinks with minimal spills.  He is quite the story teller.  He can come up with a story on the after another...usually about aliens, or fighting or something "spooky".  He can count to 100, spell his name and do some simple adding and subtracting.  He is really good at finding patterns.  He struggles with phonics a bit...still calls Vera, Bera...I think he is pretty smart though :)  Luke and I love this kid and couldn't imagine our lives with out his fun little spirit!

Kade @ 2 months

STATS @ 2 months + 2 weeks :  11 pounds 14oz & 22inches

This boy is HAPPY. He sure loves the attention he gets and he LOVES to talk now.  I could listen to his cooing all day. He loves to be held outward to see what's going on (and the added pressure on the belly helps him too)  He is sleeping 4 hours at a time.  He has really strong leg and neck muscles.  I am pretty sure he is my happiest baby, but I guess all of my babies have been happy so it is hard to say. I am absolutely in love with him and he is my current favorite. :)