Saturday, October 19, 2013

Vera is 5 months old!

She is just growing faster than a weed!  She is definitely spoiled and I must say she is pretty evenly split between a daddy's girl and mommy's girl.  But I think I win because she says "mamamamamam" and I am claiming that as her first word. Mama.  She rolls ALL over the place.  She loves to play in Finley's room the most...she will spend a long time in there before she starts to fuss.  I don't know why.  She is a great eater...a constant one.  I started giving her a small bowl of rice cereal at dinner time and she eats it so fast...I will probably have to start feeding her more and sooner that I wanted but she is always wanting to eat! Just like her mommy!  I got us matching scarves and I love it on her :)  We just love our Bera!


1 comment:

S & K Merrill said...

I love your matching scarves!! I want to just squish my Bera so much!!!!Can't wait for December 13th to be here!!!!!!