Well what do you say about a girl who has it all? She seriously makes us laugh and our hearts melt daily. She is her brothers shadow, which is scary (He is in such a limit testing phase, which I am sure is going to last forever). She is on the clumsy side. She has many scars, bruises and scratches to show for it. She loves to joke and make you laugh by telling you something is one thing, but it really isn't...for example, She will point at a dog and say it's a lion and smile...wait for your reaction, then say "No, haha it's a dog." She also is the biggest fake laugh-er..I am not sure if I have ever heard her real laugh. She LOVES to dance and sing. She loves to be "beautiful"- she will come in and beg to have a beautiful dress on and then comes in frequently to say, "mom, I beautiful." She is very loving. She gives hugs and kisses all day long. She is quick to say sorry and very interested if you are sad. She is a parrot...so be careful what you say around her. (She just started walking around saying "Oh, Shoot!"- thankfully, not the other word) Her favorite animals right now are dog, horse and rabbit (which she calls a hop-hop). Her favorite color is yellow. She is quite the boss- she likes to tell Finley what to do and points her finger at him. She loves to be the one to say prayers. She doesn't go to bed with out singing I am a Child of God and Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam. She loves to pretend cook and always yells "Inner ready, Mom!" She knows how to work the system with her puppy eyes and bottom lip. She is stubborn as they come. She hates getting her pictures taken. HATES it. Literally screams and throws herself to the ground if she sees the camera...If I get a good picture of her, it's only after I have spent 45 minutes trying. She loves babies and I hope it stays that way for her new little brother coming. Her favorite food are eggs, hot dogs, grapes, yogurt, bananas, cereal and cheese. Her favorite movies are 101 Dalmatians, Big Hero 6, Frozen and now The Little Mermaid or as she calls it, "Mermermaid"( she has watched it everyday since her birthday). We love this girl.

A sweet lady in our ward took her picture at the Farm in the Nashville Zoo.
These are from my phone...Hers will be much better, I am sure.
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