Monday, November 30, 2015

Halloween 2015

Halloween was a lot of fun this year! The weather actually allowed us to go trick or treating! The kids loved it! Some friends of our had us over for soups and rolls before we all went out together and their cute 7 year old Maci created a "spook alley" and it was actually scary! haha her friend posed as a zombie at the end where you were supposed to stick your hand in her belly and feel her guts (spaghetti) and then her eyes popped open! haha Vera loved it...Finley, not so much.  We also had fun at our ward party and I went as a pharmacist (I know, real creative) and Luke was Steve Nash (and people had no idea...the ym asked if he was from a movie and another guy asked if the suns were a real team still!!??)

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