The only time he doesn't smile....when he is in the sun
Easter 2016
He kept putting his foot up for me to tickle...he LOVES to be tickled and is very ticklish!

He always does this pose before he starts crawling...guess you gotta stretch first
This is Kade's favorite spot in the house...he gets on his tummy and pulls the cords out from under the TV and just loves to shake them around...It's not Lukes favorite.
His first bike ride with Daddy
March was full of sick babies (all 3 had the Flu...a miracle Luke and I didn't get it).
At 8 months Kade's still 16 1/2 lbs. He nurses like a champ and refuses the bottle...which tells you, I could use a break! He has stopped gagging so much on solid foods, so I can get about 1/2 a jar in him. His favorites seem to be carrots, squash and apple sauce. He still sleeps about 4 hours at a time, some nights I get lucky with a 5 or 6 hour stretch, but that is very rare. He is crawling and pulling himself up. He has 2 bottom teeth and is teething currently- looks like his two (big) front teeth will be next. This boy is such a mamas boy and will search the house for me if Im not in the same room as him. He loves Vera and Finley and loves when they play with him. I can't keep socks on him, he pulls them off the second I put them on....he loves peek-a-boo, row your boat, itsy bitsy spider and the wheels on the bus. He loves to swing and loves to be tossed in the air. He is a quiet boy for the most part (Luke says he always seems deep in thought) and just recently started doing this soft, airy, high-pitch scream when he is excited. He is such a fun and happy baby!
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