Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dates with Mommy & more!

 Finley loves to play with his baby sister...which is her name apparently.  Lately when Fin is asked what his sister's name is he responds, "Baby sister."  Vera loves to play with him as long as he doesn't lay on top of her or drive his cars on her head.

We took a date to Target.  Finley loved his Icee and hot dog and he loves Target :) Man after my own heart.

 Conference was so usual.  And this was my little buddy that watched with me the whole time!...she might have fallen a sleep of few times ;)

 She is just growing way to fast! She is so much fun and happy all the time (most of the time).  She struggles to sleep in her own bed still...she has to grab on to me with a death grip as she is falling asleep and she never lets go! So if I lay her down she just wakes right back up!  She sleeps the best in her car for now, this is her bed. We are working on it...

This little boy asks to go to Chick fil A everyday.  He always says he needs to play with his friends at Chick fil A and eat an ice cream cone.  So today we did just that!  Fin is also FULL of questions and NEVER stops asking questions or just talks nonstop.  Luke asked if he could see how long he could go with out talking and it didn't last a second.  Today he realized we all have tongues. And nose buggers. And eyes.  He is just into knowing what EVERYTHING is and does and WHY! Ha can get a just a tid bit annoying especially when it's why? why? why?

Vera is a talker as well.  She just started scrunching her nose and I think its the cutest thing ever.  I have given her rice cereal twice and she ate it up fast. She is a little piglet and loud when she eats now too...its embarassing sometimes.  She is also very good at arching her back. Not my favorite. She is very strong and like I said before has a death grip...and it hurts.  Loving this little peanut.

64 days until AZ!

1 comment:

Natalie Whiting said...

I am laughing right now at the thought of the questions Finn would ask and the death grip of sweet Vera!! Too cute!! Luv you guys!!