Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring has arrived!

The sun has never felt so good!! We have spent the whole day out side...picnic, walk, bike ride and climbing trees! Finn said " Mom, I am an expert tree climber, but this looks dangerous."  And of course Vera was trying to find a way up there too. may notice Finley's baldness. Oops. I will leave the hair cutting to the hair stylists from now on...Finn just keeps laughing at himself and saying how silly he looks. Oh will be back to looking like a helmet in no time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

It's a boy!

My Birthday!

 I have been wearing these knock of toms for over a year...and for the past 5 months they have had this big hole in the toe...Luke finally decided I could use some new shoes :)  He got me the cute white ones...and I used my birthday money to buy the other two knock off Toms :0
 Mom sent me El Charro!
 I was surprised by this cute basket of cookies from Meadow!
 Treated the kids for enduring my shoe adventure at the mall
We ended the day with some outdoor fun and I have been craving sushi this whole pregnancy so Luke went and bought me some delicious California rolls.  I was definitely spoiled this year!!

Finally some good weather!

We are loving this warm weather! I took the kids to the zoo today and they were in heaven. Of course, all of Nashville had the same idea...but it was still fun! All the animals were out and in clear view. But the kids favorite thing at the zoo is their awesome playground.  There is a huge slide that Finley always goes on, but I never take Vera because I get to claustrophobic.  So today Finley was a great big brother and took her all the way up the castle and down the slide twice! She kept saying "i love you inley"...she calls him "inley."  And then we came home and played T-ball with daddy.  Finley has become so good at hitting the ball- such improvement in 3 days of teaching!

Things they say:
Finley:  - He calls bacon "pig meat"
-He is the biggest story teller, and makes things up just like his dad.  The other day a girl asked his name and he told her "Joey."  Then laughed and told me "that's just a silly game I play."
-He told me he knew where gas came from...Jesus.
-Our cars got broken into and Lukes stereo system stolen...and finn's reply to it "Mom, I thought there were no bad guys on this planet.  You should have killed them with a sword." ( I of course spoke with him about not killing and that police just take bad guys to jail....)
-He constantly tells us he wants to live with grandma and grandpa...not just visit them.  Yesterday he told me he need to call and ask them.

Vera:  - She will tell you she loves you over and over if you do something for her, like take her on a walk or when Luke lets her play a video game with him.
-When she wakes up in the morning she yells from her bed "shawnie! Where are you!" and when I went in this morning she put her hand on her cheek and said "Mommy, I cute." 
- She likes to tell me she is beautiful or I am beautiful all the time
-she refers to herself in the 3rd person in all conversation
-if she wants me to do something she always says "Hurry, run!"
-if she wants help up off the floor or something she says "hand! hand!'
She is obsessed with dogs and airplanes, and Frozen, of course. She quotes Frozen all the time. She has just started becoming obsessed with 101 Dalmations. She has also entered the "do it myself" stage....she gets so mad when I help her do anything.